Kyiv is a city that captures with its landscapes and rich history. In the capital of Ukraine, a huge number of attractions, here every house and stone has its own amazing story. There are about 2000 archeological, architectural, historical, cultural and nature monuments here.
St. Vladimir’s Cathedral

St. Vladimir’s Cathedral (1852-1882), built in the neo-Byzantine style. The interior murals were made by the Russian and Ukrainian painters: Vasnetsov, Nesterov, Vrubel, Yizhakevych, Kotarbinsky, Swiedomsky and others. There are holy incorruptible relics of St. Barbara (4th cent.) revered by all Christians in the world. At present the Cathedral belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kyiv’s Patriarchate). Construction of the cathedral began in 1862 and lasted for 40 years. First cathedral was built by the architects Ivan Strom and Paul Sparro. Later it was modified by architect Alexander Beretta.
Founders of Kyiv Monument

Monument to the founders of Kiev – Kiyu, Schek, Horyv and their sister Lybidi was established in 1982 in honor of the 1500th anniversary of Kiev in Navodnitsky Park. The legend says that the princes Kiy, Shchek, Horyv and their sister Lybid founded the city on the right bank of the Dnipro and named it in honor of their elder brother Kyiv. As Nestor the Chronicler wrote in The Tale of Bygone Years: “And there were three brothers: one, named Kiy, and the other – Shchek, and the third – Horyv, and their sister Lybid. Kiy was sitting on the mountain, where the descent was now Borichev, and Shchek was sitting on the mountain, which is now called Shchekovitsa, and Horyv is on the third mountain, which was nicknamed Horyvitsa. And they built the city in the name of their elder brother and called it Kyiv. ”
St. Sofia Cathedral

The St. Sofia’s cathedral is the most ancient temple of Rus. The St. Sofia’s cathedral was constructed in 1037. Some hundreds of square meters of the original 11th century mosaics and frescos can be seen in the cathedral, including the scenes of every day life in Old Kiev. The Cathedral was erected on the highest area of the ancient capital. These are unique frescos that can be found nowhere else neither on territory of former Kievan Rus nor in Europe. The famous Grand Prince of Kiev Yaroslav the Wise was buried in the cathedral in 1054. St. Sofia’s Cathedral is included in the World Heritage List of UNESCO.
Andriyivsky Uzviz (Descent)

Andriyivsky Uzviz (Descent), the street of museums, theatres and art galleries, is a favourite stop for tourists in search of paintings, souvenirs, arts and crafts. In ancient times it was the shortest way down Andriyivska Hill from the princely Upper Town to the artisan Podil. The basic erection of buildings in the street was carried out in the late 19th-early 20th centuries. Many outstanding personalities are closely associated with Andriyivsky Uzviz. In the building at #13 (1888) the family of A.Bulgakov, Professor of the Kyiv Theological Academy, resided. In the 1910s here, in the famous “Turbins’ House”, a celebrated writer M.Bulgakov spent his youth and wrote The Master and Margarita.
Landscape Alley

Landscape Alley in the capital Kiev can be called the most interesting and spectacular avenue of the city. This picturesque street combines several historical sites and cultural centers. It was conceived as a viewing area which will incorporate the important historical places so called Upper Town. This includes legendary Hem, steep bank of the Dnieper, and several streets near St. Andrew`s descent , on which there are cultural monuments and ancient architecture. Square mall landscape equates to 1.5 hectares. Strolling its surroundings, you can learn a lot, get to know the secrets of the old city.
Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

Founded more than 400 years ago, the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy is the oldest university in Ukraine. At the same time, NaUKMA is a modernist university, because it has been revived since the independence of Ukraine and does not have Soviet history. The University was built on the principles of justice, transparency and the highest standards of teaching. Today NaUKMA is a leader in reforming the Ukrainian education system, which is best integrated into the Western educational context.
Golden Gate

The Golden Gate is one of the symbols of Kiev. It was known as the main gate of the ancient Kiev for centuries. Now the Golden Gate is one of the main attractions of the Ukrainian capital. The Golden Gate remains were fixed several times. But the old brickwork fell into decay. About 150 years later it was decided to recreate the Golden Gate in its original appearance. The original 11th century brickwork was covered with a special pavilion imitating the ancient structure. While reconstructing the Golden Gate modern builders tried to reproduce technology used a thousand years ago.